February 2001 -- In recent months, the Environmental Liberation Front (ELF) has claimed responsibility for acts of arson across the country
February 2001 -- In recent months, the Environmental Liberation Front (ELF) has claimed responsibility for acts of arson across the country
פברואר 2001 -- המגמות הפוליטיות של אומה נשלטות על ידי מספר גורמים - מצב הכלכלה, האינטרסים של הפוליטיקאים
סופר הסובל מדיכאון קליני מוצא הקלה מפרוזאק. להבין עד כמה עמוקה השפיעה ממציאת התרופה על חייה....
מאי 2001 -- כשהייתי ילד בבית הספר, אבא שלי אמר לי, לעתים קרובות, שמתמטיקה היא המקצוע החשוב ביותר. "והדבר ב
I have been active in the arts and the ideas that inform them since I was very young. At age three, I began studying ballet, and I was in
A century and a half ago, the legal scholar Sir Henry Maine observed that the evolution of human society was a movement from a society of...
When Ayn Rand created a heroic American dynasty for her novel Atlas Shrugged , she based the family's fortune not on oil, or autos, or
כנראה שה- World Wide Web אינו עולמי כפי שהוא יכול להיות. האינטרנט – גולת הכותרת של טכנולוגיית "הכלכלה החדשה" שהייתה
David Gress's subtitle seems to indicate that he has but one set of opponents—those who are hostile to "the idea of the West." In fact
A man from my neck of the woods was mauled by a bear. A politician, to be more accurate. John Chelminiak, who is alive but disfigured for...
September 2001 -- The current debate over federal funding of embryonic stem cell research raises two basic questions: "Is it morally and
November 2001 -- One of the most popular mantras, following the terrorist attacks of September 11, declares how great it is to see Americans
November 2001 -- A article from the Navigator Special: The Assault on Civilization, posted October 12, 2001. Published in the November 2001
היה ערב לזכור. ב-7 בדצמבר 2010, בתיאטרון הדסון ההיסטורי בניו יורק, אגודת האטלס נתנה חסות לחגיגה
December 2001 -- Greek Ways: How the Greeks Created Western Civilization . By Bruce Thornton. (San Francisco, California: Encounter Books..
January 2002 -- The assault on civilization did not begin with the terrorist attacks of September 11. As Objectivists know, such an assault
January 2002 -- When Victor Hugo was writing his last novel, Ninety-Three, during the years 1872 and 1873, the Naturalist school of fiction
January 2002 -- Reprinted by permission of the publisher. From The Role of Religion in History, by George Walsh (New Brunswick, New Jersey:
At the time when Ayn Rand wrote most of her non-fiction (the 1960s), half the world’s population was under avowedly Communist or Socialist
Sociobiology is the doctrine that we have fundamental behaviors and psychological characteristics that are explained by the incentives