אגודת האטלס שואלת

הביתהמתנגן כעת

The Atlas Society Asks Chris Stirewalt

October 4, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 172nd episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Senior Fellow of the American Enterprise Institute Chris Stirewalt about his latest book "Broken News: Why the Media Rage Machine Divides America and How to Fight Back." Chris Stirewalt is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and contributing editor for The Dispatch, where he focuses on American politics, voting trends, public opinion, and the media. He has worked for a variety of media outlets as a political editor, including Fox News Channel and the Washington Examiner.

The Atlas Society Asks Brendan O'Neill

September 27, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 171st episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews British pundit and author Brendan O'Neill about his latest book "A Heretic's Manifesto: Essays on the Unsayable." Brendan O'Neill was the editor of Spiked magazine from 2007 to 2021, and is now its chief political writer and is also a contributor to the Daily Telegraph and a variety of other publications across Europe and America. In his battle against cancel culture and groupthink, O’Neill has published several books including "A Duty to Offend," "Anti-Woke," and his latest book "A Heretic’s Manifesto: Essays on the Unsayable."

The Atlas Society Asks Jorge Díaz Cuervo

September 13, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman on the 169th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews the president of the newly-founded Universidad de la Libertad in Mexico City, Jorge Díaz Cuervo. Listen as the duo discuss education and what is needed to create the next generation of liberty-lovers. Jorge is a longtime advocate for government reforms having previously served in both the Mexican federal government as well as Mexico City’s local congress. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics, master’s degrees in both international management and management of social security systems, and a Ph.D. in law.

The Atlas Society Asks Michele Tafoya

September 6, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman on the 168th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews famed American sportscaster Michele Tafoya and why her growing disenchantment with increasingly work sports coverage and desire to have a more unconstrained voice on politics led her to leave her longtime post at NBC Sunday Night Football. Michele Tafoya runs the "Let's Get Sane" Substack Column and hosts the Michele Tafoya Podcast, where she interviews guests to discuss the state of American politics and culture. She is also the narrator of an upcoming documentary, "Triangle Park," based on the very first NFL game ever played -- at Triangle Park in Dayton, Ohio. Check out more from Michele Tafoya on her website: https://micheletafoya.com/

The Atlas Society Asks Heather Mac Donald

August 30, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman on the 167th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews critically acclaimed author Heather Mac Donald about her latest book "When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives." Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor at City Journal, and the 2005 recipient of the Bradley Prize. Mac Donald’s work covers a range of topics, from higher education and immigration to policing and race relations, with writings that have appeared in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and New York Times.

The Atlas Society Asks Stephanie Slade

August 22, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman on the 166th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews senior editor at Reason Stephanie Slade about her defense of "fusionism"—in which she argues that libertarian principles of limited government and individual liberty can be harmoniously combined with certain traditional or conservative values. Stephanie Slade is a journalist and senior editor at Reason, a fellow in liberal studies at the Acton Institute, and a media fellow at the Institute for Human Ecology.

The Atlas Society Asks Andrew Doyle

August 16, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman on the 165th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews British writer, comedian, and broadcaster Andrew Doyle about his latest book "The New Puritans: How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World."

The Atlas Society Asks Raymond C. Niles

August 9, 2023
Join Senior Scholar Richard Salsman for a special The Atlas Society Asks with Professor Raymond C. Niles. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from George Mason University and an MBA in Finance & Economics from the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University. Before embarking on his academic career, Niles spent over 15 years on Wall Street as a senior equity research analyst at Citigroup, Schroders, and Goldman Sachs. Raymond Niles is also a longtime Objectivist who has published numerous articles in scholarly and popular publications, including The Objective Standard, on issues tied to economics, internet policy, and government regulation.

The Atlas Society Asks Ed Dowd

July 26, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 162nd episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews Phinance Technologies' founding partner Ed Dowd about his book "Cause Unkown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022" where he encourages a data-driven discussion regarding two questions in a post-COVID world: 1) What has caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people? 2) What has caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?

Crisis in the Classroom: The Atlas Society Asks Armstrong Williams & Dr. Ben Carson

July 12, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 160th episode of The Atlas Society Asks with special guests CEO of Howard Stirk Holdings, Armstrong Williams, and Dr. Benjamin Carson to talk about their co-authored book "Crisis in The Classroom."

The Illusion of Control: The Atlas Society Asks Ian Miller

July 6, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 159th episode of The Atlas Society Asks with returning guest Ian Miller to discuss his latest book, "Illusion of Control: COVID-19 and the Collapse of Expertise." Ian Miller is back for a second star turn on our webinar (he previously joined us to discuss his book "Unmasked: The Global Failure of COVID Mask Mandates"). Along with publishing COVID-related data models for outlets, including our friends at the Brownstone Institute, he also runs the "Unmasked" Substack column.

The Atlas Society Asks Mark P. Mills

June 28, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 158th episode of The Atlas Society Asks with author, businessman, physicist, and senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute Mark P. Mills. Listen as the duo discuss Mark's extensive work about the intersection of technology, policy, and markets along with his latest book "The Cloud Revolution: How the Convergence of New Technologies Will Unleash the Next Economic Boom and a Roaring 2020s.

The Atlas Society Asks Doug Casey

June 21, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 157th episode of The Atlas Society Asks with Doug Casey. Inspired by Ayn Rand, Doug Casey is a writer, speculator, founder and chairman of Casey Research, and International Man. He co-authors the "High Ground" fiction novel series that weaves together free market principles and adventure.

The Atlas Society Asks Ambassador Gordon Sondland

June 14, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 156 episode of The Atlas Society Asks with Ayn Rand fan and founder of Provenance Hotels, Gordon Sondland. Listen as they talk about Sondland's appointment in 2018 to serve as ambassador to the EU as recounted in his book "The Envoy: Mastering the Art of Diplomacy with Trump and the World."

The Atlas Society Asks Dr. Eamonn Butler

June 7, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 155th episode of the Atlas Society Asks with special guest and Co-founder of the Adam Smith Institute, Dr. Eamonn Butler. Join them as they celebrate the 300th birthday of Adam Smith, along with exploring Dr. Butler's numerous books on subjects, including "Ayn Rand: An Introduction," "Capitalism: An Introduction," and "An Introduction to Democracy."

The Atlas Society Asks Larry Elder

May 31, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 154th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews renowned libertarian political commentator and talk-radio host Larry Elder. Listen as they talk about his upcoming book "Ask Goes California: My Mission to Rescue the Golden State and Save the Nation" along with his entry into the 2024 presidential race.

The Atlas Society Asks Lars Tvede

May 24, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 153rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks for a conversation with Swiss-based venture capitalist Lars Tvede about his views on Objectivism, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Don't miss it as they also discuss Tvede's latest book, "From Malthus to Mars: How to Live, Lead, and Learn in an Exponential World."

Art & Aesthetics with Rob Tracinski

May 17, 2023
Join Atlas Society Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special webinar discussion concerning the role and power of art and aesthetics in Objecitivst thinking. Listen as he also discusses music, a subject not extensively covered by Ayn Rand, herself. Previous Episode

The Atlas Society Asks Jean Twenge

May 10, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 151st episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews psychologist Dr. Jean Twenge about her recent book "Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents--and What They Mean for America's Future." Dr. Jean Twenge is a psychologist who researches generational differences, including work values, life goals, and speed of development. She is a professor of psychology at San Diego State University and the author of more than 180 scientific publications and books.

Being An Optimistic American: The Atlas Society Asks Paul Johnson

May 3, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 150th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews CEO and Co-Founder of Redirect Health Paul E. Johnson about his recent book "Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You." With a background in business, politics, and government becoming the youngest mayor of Phoenix, Arizona, at 30 years old, Paul has managed several state campaigns for presidential candidates and is the host of "The Optimistic American podcast," which works to create space in the news media for a positive and hopeful view of America.

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