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Chats der Atlas Society

Suchen Sie nach unseren Chats der Atlas Society auf deiner Lieblings-Podcast-App, um sie jederzeit und überall anzuhören.

אגודת האטלס שואלת את האווי ריץ'

December 29, 2021
Join The Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman as she talks with the co-founder of U.S. Term Limits, Howie Rich, about the case, efforts, and support for limiting the congressional terms of politicians on the local, state, and federal levels. Listen as they also discuss Howie Rich's longtime activism in the liberty movement and how Atlas Shrugged started him on this path.

Robert Tracinski - Top Stories Of The Year

December 28, 2021
Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special discussion on the "Top Stories of the Year" where Tracinski reviews the top news stories of 2021 and their philosophical implications and significance.

David Kelley - Objectivism & The Arc of Life

December 23, 2021
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and our founder, David Kelley, Ph.D. as they explore how Objectivist ethics apply to different stages in human development, from birth to maturity to old age.

אגודת האטלס שואלת את אלכס קוזינסקי

December 22, 2021
Join The Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman as she talks to former 9th Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski on the 84th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as the two discuss Kozinski's childhood in Communist Romania, introduction to Ayn Rand, and the government-forced lockdown and vaccine mandates in America.

Robert Tracinski - Capitalism and Christmas

December 22, 2021
Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a discussion on "Capitalism and Christmas" where he will cover the questions: Is Christmas too commercial? Does shopping and gift-giving distract us from the "true spirit" of the holiday? And what is the historical relationship between capitalism and Christmas?

Richard Salsman - Ask Me Anything

December 16, 2021
Join our CEO Jennifer Grossman and our Senior Scholar and Professor of economics at Duke, Dr. Richard Salsman for a special “Ask Me Anything” where he will be answering your questions on Objectivism, monetary policy, politics, and more.

פירוק מכללות שמאלניות: אקטואליה עם קלי וסלסמן -- דצמבר 2021

December 15, 2021
The Atlas Society Current Events Panel: Join The Atlas Society Founder David Kelley and Economist Richard Salsman as they discuss new movements to defund leftist practices in universities, and also talk about criminal law and lawlessness surrounding the Rittenhouse and Arbury trials on the 83rd Episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

Robert Tracinski - What is Nationalism?

December 14, 2021
Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a discussion on "What is Nationalism?" and ask the questions: What does nationalism mean? Is nationalism a good thing or a bad thing? And what does nationalism mean in an American context?

טראמפיזם כעתידה של אמריקה: הטוב, הרע והמכוער

דצמבר 13, 2021
בפרק #2 של פודקאסט המוסר והשווקים ד"ר סלסמן מדבר על ההשפעה המתמשכת של הנשיא טראמפ על הפוליטיקה האמריקאית. ללא השנאה "לעולם לא טראמפר" או המאניה הפרו-טראמפית שעושה דה-לגיטימציה לרוב הדיונים הממוקדים בטראמפ כיום, ד"ר סלסמן נוקט בגישה מדודה ומציג טיעונים רציונליים לאלו מאיתנו המבקשים לנתח היכן טראמפ צדק והיכן הוא טעה. לאחר מכן דיון נמרץ ושאלות ותשובות, לא תרצו לפספס את הפרק הזה!

לאן נעלמו כל הקפיטליסטים? - ד"ר ריצ'רד סלסמן

דצמבר 13, 2021
בפרק הראשון של הפודקאסט The Morals & Markets באמצעות תוכניות הסטודנטים של אגודת אטלס, חוקר בכיר באגודת אטלס ופרופסור לכלכלה פוליטית מתוך דיוק, ד"ר ריצ'רד מ. סלסמן מציג על ספרו האחרון "לאן נעלמו כל הקפיטליסטים? מסות בכלכלה פוליטית מוסרית".

Jason Hill - Ask Me Anything

December 9, 2021
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and Senior Scholar Dr. Jason Hill for a special "Ask Me Anything" discussion where Professor Hill will be fielding questions from the audience and choosing a few questions submitted every week by our over 60,000 followers on Instagram.

אגודת האטלס שואלת את אריק פרינס

December 8, 2021
The Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman talks to former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince about his book "Civilian Warriors: The Inside Story of Blackwater and the Unsung Heroes of the War on Terror" to learn the true history of Blackwater and the exasperating and tragic story of "men taking bullets to protect the men who take all the credit." Listen to this wide-ranging interview as Prince discusses the history of private military contractors, including their role in America’s War for Independence, the inability of bloated defense bureaucracies in nimbly addressing evolving security threats, what went wrong in Afghanistan (both with the withdrawal and the failed exercise in nation-building). All this and more on the 82nd episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

Robert Tracinski - Are Robots Going to Take Our Jobs?

דצמבר 7, 2021
Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a discussion on "Are the Robots Going to Take Our Jobs?" where he will ask whether automation threatens everyone's jobs, including white-collar jobs and what, if anything, should we do about it.

20+ Months of Covid-19: The Atlas Society Asks Jeffrey Tucker

December 1, 2021
The Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman interviews returning guest Jeffrey Tucker to discuss how the world has fared against COVID-19 in the 20+ months since their previous interview. Listen as they discuss the mission of The Brownstone Institute, the importance of freedom of speech and scientific inquiry (especially during times of political suppression), and the authoritarian practices that governments worldwide continue to uphold in the name of "safety" and "health." All this and more in the 81st episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

Robert Tracinski - What If The World Isn't Ending

November 30, 2021
This partial recording is from a live event on November 30, 2021. Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special discussion on "What If the World Isn't Ending?" as he emphasizes the need to recognize how much progress humans have actually made, and asks how we would look at political issues differently if we didn't think the world was about to end.

אגודת האטלס שואלת את זוראב ג'פארידזה

November 24, 2021
The Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman interviews Georgian Libertarian politician Zurab Japaridze about the country's history under Soviet rule and the steps it has taken afterward to become more economically free in the 80th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Zurab Japaridze is a current Georgian Parliament member and the leader of the Libertarian party Girchi - More Freedom. Along with being a Lecturer of Economics at the University of Georgia, Japaridze has been a longtime advocate for free markets and the protection of individual liberties, notably standing against the Georgian mandatory military service law.

Robert Tracinski - Was Kant The Original "Woke" Philosopher?

November 23, 2021
Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special discussion on "Was Kant the First 'Woke' Philosopher?" as he traces the roots of Critical Race Theory back to the philosophy of Immanuel Kant.

Richard Salsman - Good News: Some Proper Profit Theory

November 18, 2021
Join our CEO Jennifer Grossman and our Senior Scholar and Professor of economics at Duke, Dr. Richard Salsman as he discusses the false views of profit and some promising new books that defend both the practicality and morality of profit.

האם קאנט הוא הפילוסוף המקורי של "התעוררות"? - אקטואליה עם היקס וטרצ'ינסקי

November 17, 2021
Join Senior Scholar Dr. Stephen Hicks and Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a discussion on the surprising - but encouraging - Virginia election results, CRT and whether Immanuel Kant was the original "woke" philosopher. All this and more on the 79th episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

Robert Tracinski - Ask Me Anything

November 16, 2021
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special "Ask Me Anything" discussion where Tracinski will be fielding your questions on Objectivism, foreign policy, politics, culture, and music.

אגודת האטלס שואלת את אלן דרשוביץ

November 11, 2021
Alan Dershowitz is a well-known American defense attorney, author, and commentator who has spent most of his career dedicated to the defense of civil liberties, in particular those regarding freedom of speech. Mr. Dershowitz has published over 1000 articles in journals, newspapers, and magazines, also authoring over 40 books, including The Case for Liberalism in an Age of Extremism: or, Why I left the Left But Can’t Join the Right, Cancel Culture: The Latest Attack on Free Speech and Due Process, and his latest book The Case Against the New Censorship: Protecting Free Speech from Big Tech, Progressives, and Universities.

Wir fördern den offenen Objektivismus: die Philosophie der Vernunft, der Leistung, des Individualismus und der Freiheit.