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Have We Reached Peak Woke? with Nellie Bowles

May 29, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 206th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews journalist Nellie Bowles about her book "Morning After the Revolution: Dispatches from the Wrong Side of History," a hilariously irreverent romp through all the sacred spaces of the New Left, of which she was a part, at least until she began questioning whether the progressive movement she knew and loved was actually helping people.

Paternalism, Infantilism & the Welfare State

May 28, 2024
"A free society depends not only on rational philosophy, capitalist economics, and rights-respecting politics but a psychology of mental health rooted in self-esteem and its corollaries (self-confidence, self-responsibility, self-reliance). Many people are anxious, angry, and even phobic about living in a free, vibrant, dynamic culture. Preferring security to liberty, they lose both."

Have Elites Betrayed the Working Class? with Batya Ungar-Sargon

May 22, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 205th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews Batya Ungar-Sargon about her latest book Second Class: How the Elites Betrayed America's Working Men and Women, which combines deep reporting with a look at the data and expert opinion on America’s emergent class divide.

Ask Me Anything About Capitalism with Richard Salsman

May 16, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke, Richard Salsman, Ph.D. for a special Ask Me Anything about Capitalism along with topics related to the Dow Jones, abolishment of the FED, fractional reserve banking and more.

Why Are Teens So Anxious Today? w/Dr. Chloe Carmichael

May 15, 2024
In the US, anxiety and depression in young people have increased by 63% since 2005, with increased feelings of fragility and fear complicating the transition to becoming productive, resilient adults. Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 204th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews clinical psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Chloe Carmichael about this rising trend in young people as well as Dr. Carmichael's book "Nervous Energy: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety," where she shares advice for parents and young people wanting to avoid self-sabotaging mindsets and debilitating neuroses.

Will ESG Destroy Capitalism? with Paul Tice

May 8, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 203rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks, in which she interviews author Paul Tice about his book "The Race to Zero: How ESG Investing Will Crater the Global Financial System."

Lost in Model Land with Robert Tracinski

May 8, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Fellow Robert for a discussion on the use and abuse of mental models in understanding and dealing with reality.

Are You a Decision Ninja? The Atlas Society Asks Nuala Walsh

May 1, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 202nd episode of The Atlas Society Asks, in which she interviews Nuala Walsh about her book "TUNE IN: How to Make Smarter Decisions in a Noisy World."

Ask Me Anything About Philosophy with Stephen Hicks - May 2024

May 1, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar, Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., for a special "Ask Me Anything" where Dr. Hicks answers questions relating to the origin of rights, the impact of Thomas Aquinas on European social/political thought, Objectivism and a philosophy, and more.

The Death of Learning: The Atlas Society Asks John Agresto

April 24, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 201st episode of The Atlas Society Asks, in which she interviews Professor John Agresto about his book "The Death of Learning: How American Education Has Failed Our Students and What to Do About It."

Privacy Is Not A Luxury: The Atlas Society Chats with Naomi Brockwell

April 24, 2024
Join Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman for a special Spaces on X with tech journalist Naomi Brockwell to discuss privacy and digital privacy concerns.

“The Nihilism of Environmentalism” with Richard Salsman

April 18, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke, Richard Salsman, Ph.D., for a Twitter/X Spaces discussing the destructive nature of environmentalism as an ideology.

Climate Uncertainty and Risk: The Atlas Society Asks Dr. Judith Curry

April 10, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 200th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. This week, she interviews the President and co-founder of Climate Forecast Applications Network (CFAN), Dr. Judith Curry. Dr. Curry joins The Atlas Society to discuss her storied career in climatology, as well as share her takeaways from efforts to marginalize her work for questioning preferred political narratives regarding climate change. A leading global thinker on climate change, Dr. Curry is the author of the book "Climate Uncertainty and Risk: Rethinking Our Response" and was targeted by the Cancel Culture mob for research at variance with the conventional narrative on matters related to weather and climate.

“Is Having Children a Sacrifice?” with Robert Tracinski

April 10, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a Twitter/X Spaces discussion on child rearing and the definition of sacrifice.

The Breakdown of Higher Education: The Atlas Society Asks John M. Ellis

April 3, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 199th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. This week, she interviews John M. Ellis about his book "The Breakdown of Higher Education, How it Happened, the Damage it Does, and What can Be Done."

Did Thomas Kuhn Make Science Postmodern? with Stephen Hicks

April 3, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at Rockford University, Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., for a Twitter/X Spaces discussion on Thomas Kuhn, his ideas, and influence on scientific thought.

Gun Control Myths: The Atlas Society Asks John R. Lott Jr.

March 27, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 198th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. This week, she interviews John R. Lott Jr. about his book "Gun Control Myths: How Politicians, the Media and Botched 'Studies' Have Twisted the Facts on Gun Control."

No Apologies: The Atlas Society Asks Katherine Brodsky

March 21, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 197th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. This week, she interviews Katherine Brodsky, about her book "No Apologies: How to Find and Free Your Voice in the Age of Outrage―Lessons for the Silenced Majority," which argues that it’s time for principled individuals to resist self-censorship and stand up against authoritarians who promote it.

Conservatives on Heels: What Do They Hope to Conserve? with Richard Salsman

March 21, 2024
"Unlike liberals, Democrats, libertarians, Republicans, and Objectivists, conservatives have no distinct name brand to suggest what they actually stand for and would fight for, other than what rivals have instituted in the past. Conservatives can’t gain ground morally or politically because they’re always on their heels, reacting, helping their foes consolidate their gains. Conservatives should cease being so ideologically promiscuous, pick a lane (actual brand name), and adopt the absolutist, rock-ribbed principles which promote and sustain reason, liberty, and capitalism."

Big Intel: The Atlas Society Asks J. Michael Waller

March 13, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 196th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. This week, she interviews J. Michael Waller, author of the book "Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains," which recounts the inception and evolution of various arms of the American intelligence bureaucracy and also explains why they’ve become politicized and prone to partisan activism.

Conformity Colleges: The Atlas Society Asks David Barnhizer

March 6, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 195th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. This week, she interviews David Barnhizer, author of the book "Conformity Colleges: The Destruction of Intellectual Creativity and Dissent in America's Universities." Don't miss as the duo explore how intense and aggressive political strategists and self-styled "revolutionaries" are using the apparatus of American educational institutions to indoctrinate a new generation of activists.

Promovemos el objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.