

Corporate Cash for Collectivist Causes

November 2006 -- Because our April cover story chronicled the Enron debacle, we ran the following quotation from Ayn Rand on our table of contents page:

מרץ 29, 2011
TNI's Interview with Eduardo Marty

November 2006 -- In the early twentieth century, Argentina was one of the most prosperous countries in the world with one of the highest living standards. Rich in resources, a leading producer of beef and farm commodities, it had railroads, electricity, and all the infrastructure of an advanced country. Its population was largely European, from Spain, Italy, Britain, Germany, and France. Beautiful Buenos Aires was considered the Paris of South America.

מרץ 29, 2011
Film Review: It's Sucking My Will to Live!

Movie buffs still hotly debate whether Don Siegel’s 1957 cult classic Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a cautionary allegory against McCarthyism, or against communism. I have a different take.

מרץ 29, 2011
Book Review: Robespierre Rising

How do you take a smug child of wealth and portray his moral denunciations of self-made men as admirable? How do you relate the career of a politician who recklessly violates the rule of law and make him look like a statesman?

מרץ 29, 2011
Book Review: Decisions, Decisions...

An effective self-help guide lies in scope and universality somewhere between Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and a plumbing manual.

מרץ 29, 2011
Book Review: The Roots of Jihadist Terror

Decades of ideological corruption of scholarship in American universities have crippled us in the war against Islamic jihad.

מרץ 28, 2011
Film Review: Speaking Truth to Poseurs

What does a true artist live for, deep in his soul?

מרץ 28, 2011
Ayn Rand Lives!

anuary/February 2006 -- “Ayn Rand is dead,” wrote conservative author William F. Buckley in an obituary column in 1982. “So, incidentally, is the philosophy she sought to launch dead; it was in fact stillborn.”

מרץ 28, 2011

One can hardly convey, a half-century after the publication of Atlas Shrugged , the excitement of teenagers who became Objectivists in the early 1960s. Objectivism was, clearly, the true philosophy; that much we knew. Perhaps more exactly, Objectivism was philosophy—it was the very enterprise of philosophy restored, to live again as once it had lived in ancient Athens. With William Wordsworth, we could say:

מרץ 28, 2011
Book Review: The Enemies of Success

Hand it to the Ancient Greeks for understanding what motivates Man to commit acts of good and evil, and for identifying what consequences may befall those who do good. Prometheus, for example, gave Man the gift of fire, and for his troubles he was chained to a rock by Zeus where vultures ate out his liver, only to have it regenerate daily so that he could suffer the same torture over and over. In Judeo-Christian mythology, too, Adam and Eve were banished from Paradise for (God forbid!) eating fruit from the tree of knowledge.

מרץ 25, 2011
Book Review: The Great Pretender

Supporters of limited government used to take some comfort from liberal complaints about George W. Bush. Back in 2000 when Bush was running for president, liberal critics frequently observed that the state of Texas provided far fewer entitlement benefits than other states and that the office of governor had sharply limited powers. Bush’s experience as a governor led them to conclude that he was a fiscal conservative unlikely to support any expansion of federal government programs.

מרץ 25, 2011
Book Review: Oil, Debt, and God

If you want to read a challenge to the pervasive influence of neoconservatism in the Bush administration and to its pandering to the religious right, then Kevin Phillips’s American Theocracy may be just what you’re looking for.

מרץ 25, 2011
Soliloquy: Epocrisy

For several years, news stories have exposed the fact that the lifestyles of rich and famous environmentalists are anything but green.

מרץ 24, 2011
Consequences Have Ideas

November 2007 -- Those of us who believe that ideas have consequences (in Richard Weaver’s famous dictum) also tend to believe that consequences have ideas—as their causes. When we are confronted by some large-scale intellectual, social, or cultural phenomenon, such as the early twentieth-century turn against capitalism, we suspect that the explanation is to be found among the philosophies of prior generations.

מרץ 24, 2011
An Ayn Rand Centennial

October 2007 -- (b. 1905, St. Petersburg, Russia) Philosophy saves us one mind at a time,

מרץ 24, 2011
The Gospel According to Gore

May 2007 -- In the previous issue, I featured the worldview of a fictional character—counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer of the hit TV series “24.” Though wildly popular with the general public, Jack has been raising hackles in intellectual and political circles because (in the words of the show’s conservative executive producer, Joel Surnow) “He’s a patriot.” Or, as I put it, “he does what he must in order to protect his highest values: his family, his country, their freedom, their security."

מרץ 23, 2011
Book Review: Take Back the World!

May 2007 -- Ophelia Benson and Jeremy Stangroom, Why Truth Matters (New York: Continuum, 2006), 208 pp., $26.95.

מרץ 23, 2011
Twelve-Step Cure for Big-Government Conservatism

March 2007 -- You elected Republicans have almost hit rock bottom.

מרץ 21, 2011
Book Review: "And Now a Word About Our Sponsor"

Have you ever watched a TV commercial and found it irritating or offensive? Do you suspect that advertising raises the prices of products? Have you wondered if it “forces people to buy things they don’t really need”? Do ads ever strike you as intrusive, repetitive, deceptive, manipulative, tasteless, or trivial?

מרץ 18, 2011
Blood Brothers

June 2007 -- The April 16 massacre on the campus of Virginia Tech by a lone gunman has become another bloodstained entry in the ever-expanding ledger of mass murders, here and abroad. Headlines about slaughters in schools, post offices, and other public places blend in with daily news reports of terrorist assaults worldwide on civilians, reports so frequent and ghastly that eventually, unavoidably, they leave us numb.

מרץ 18, 2011

אנו מקדמים אובייקטיביזם פתוח: הפילוסופיה של התבונה, ההישגיות, האינדיבידואליזם והחופש.