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The Capitalist Manifesto: The Atlas Society Asks Johan Norberg

December 13, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 183rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews returning guest Johan Norberg about his new book "The Capitalist Manifesto." Johan Norberg is a Cato Senior Fellow and the author and editor of more than 20 books that focus on globalization, human progress, and intellectual history. He previously joined The Atlas Society Asks to discuss his book "Open: The Story of Human Progress."

Thoughts on Javier Milei with Stephen Hicks and Richard Salsman

December 13, 2023
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholars Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., and Richard Salsman, Ph.D., for a Spaces discussion and analysis of president-elect Javier Milei and what his policies might mean for Argentina.

Critical Race Theory's "Godfather" Derrick Bell with Stephen Hicks

December 6, 2023
Join Senior Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at Rockford, Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., for a Spaces discussion on lawyer and civil rights activist Derrick Albert Bell Jr. and his work pioneering CRT.

Remaking Higher Education: The Atlas Society Asks Pano Kanelos

December 6, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 182nd episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she meets with Dr. Pano Kanelos, the founding president of the University of Austin, to talk about free speech and a new model for higher education. Dr. Pano Kanelos is the founding president of the University of Austin (UATX), a new higher education institution founded on the belief that colleges need fewer administrators and more intellectual openness committed to freedom of inquiry, freedom of conscience, and civil discourse. An outspoken advocate for liberal arts education, Pano argues that mainstream universities have abandoned reason and shares how UATX “prepares thoughtful and ethical innovators, builders, leaders, and citizens through fair-minded open inquiry.”

Music & Meaning: The Atlas Society Asks Akira The Don

November 30, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman as she is joined by Youtube's internet DJ Akira The Don to discuss his career and explore the power and purpose of music, along with his collaboration with The Atlas Society on the very first Ayn Rand-inspired Meaningwave experience. Described by industry press as “the Western Hemisphere’s greatest living pop star” and a “Generation YouTube renaissance man,” Akira the Don is most famous for his Meaningwave Universe, a musical oeuvre which integrates philosophically lyrical content. In producing these releases, he’s collaborated with Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Naval Ravikant, and Joe Rogan.

A Capitalist Approach to Immigration and Borders

November 29, 2023
A free society welcomes manageable flows of goods, capital, and people over its borders, whether incoming or outgoing. A state is defined as the institution with a monopoly on the legitimate use of retaliatory force within a specific territory – and the last feature requires fixed and protected borders. An indispensable job of a legitimate government includes managing the borders, setting liberal terms, processing the flows, and interdicting dangers (hostile actors, transmissible diseases). America’s most capitalist era (1865-1915) coincided with the “Ellis Island model” and we need that again, instead of the false choice of “open borders” (with no processing) or “closed borders” (with despotic-type walls).

The Future of the Gun: The Atlas Society Asks Frank Miniter

November 22, 2023
Join Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 180th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews New York Times bestselling author, journalist, and political commentator Frank Miniter. Editor-in-chief of the NRA's political magazine, America's 1st Freedom, Frank is the author of The Future of the Gun, which explores new developments in gun technology that could make today’s firearms exponentially safer and smarter if anti-gun lobbyists weren’t halting progress in its tracks.

An Objectivist Perspective on the Techno-Optimist Manifesto with Stephen Hicks & Richard Salsman

November 15, 2023
Join Senior Scholars Richard Salsman, Ph.D., and Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., for a Twitter/X Spaces discussion where the duo will provide an Objectivist perspective on Marc Andreessen's Techno-Optimist manifesto.

Nationalism Worldwide: Current Events with Antonella Marty & Rob Tracinski

November 14, 2023
Join Sociedad Atlas CEO Antonella Marty and Atlas Society Senior Fellow Robert for an Objectivist perspective on Nationalism and how it is understood globally, along with a discussion on Marc Andreessen's Techno-Optimist Manifesto. Previous Episode

The Creation, Corruption, and Redemption of Money: The Atlas Society Asks Robert Breedlove

November 8, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 178th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews Bitcoin-focused entrepreneur Robert Breedlove about his viral video on Francisco D'Anconia's Money Speech, along with Breedlove's book "Thank God for Bitcoin: The Creation, Corruption, and Redemption of Money." Robert Breedlove is a Bitcoin-focused entrepreneur, writer, and philosopher. Last month he produced a viral video on Francisco’s “Money Speech” in Atlas Shrugged that prompted a surge of interest in Rand’s work. Breedlove is the host of the What is Money? podcast and author of Thank God For Bitcoin: The Creation, Corruption, and Redemption of Money. As a self-described freedom maximalist, Robert advocates for the importance of freedom across all spheres of human action and calls Bitcoin a humanitarian movement exposing the greatest con in human history: central banking.

Stephen Hicks - Derrida on Liberating Insanity from Western Reason

November 8, 2023
Join Senior Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at Rockford, Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., for a deep dive into the philosophy of Jacques Derrida and his abandonment of a reason-based tradition in lieu of promoting insanity.

The Conservative Futurist - The Atlas Society Asks Jim Pethokoukis

November 1, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 177th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews author Jim Pethokoukis about his new book, "The Conservative Futurist: How to Create the Sci-Fi World We Were Promised." James (Jim) Pethokoukis is author of The Conservative Futurist: How to Create the Sci-Fi World We Were Promised, laying out a detailed roadmap to a freer, more prosperous and benevolent future. Drawing on insights from top economists, historians, and technologists, Pethokoukis reveals that the failed futuristic visions of the past were totally possible—and still are. A senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), Pethokoukis also writes the Faster, Please! newsletter on Substack, where he explores how technological innovation, economic growth, and a pro-progress culture can help discover, create, and invent a better world.

The Atlas Society Asks Kevin Sorbo

October 25, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for a special episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews actor, producer, and director Kevin Sorbo, who joins to talk about the new independent film produced with his wife, Sam Sorbo, "The Miracle in East Texas," TO BE RELEASED IN THEATERS NATIONWIDE ON OCTOBER 29 & 30. Kevin Sorbo clearly needs no introduction, as most of our audience knows him as an actor, producer, and director, famous for his starring roles in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Gene Rodenberry’s Andromeda. He is also the author of several books, including True Strength: My Journey from Hercules to Mere Mortal—and How Nearly Dying Saved My Life and the children's book The Test of Lionhood.

The Soul of Civility: The Atlas Society Asks Alexandra Hudson

October 18, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 175th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where founder and curator of Civic Renaissance, Alexandra Hudson, joins to discuss her new book "The Soul of Civility: Timeless Principles to Heal Society and Ourselves." Alexandra Hudson is the founder and curator of Civic Renaissance, a publication, newsletter, and community dedicated to ennobling our modern public discourse with the wisdom of the past. She earned a master’s degree in public policy at the London School of Economics as a Rotary Scholar and was named the 2020 Novak Journalism Fellow. Her new book "The Soul of Civility: Timeless Principles to Heal Society and Ourselves" seeks to mend division, empower readers to live tolerantly with others, and debate issues rather than silencing disagreements.

ISRAEL UNDER SEIGE: On the Ground with Michael Kauffman

October 12, 2023
The news out of Israel this weekend was so horrifying and shocking, the anti-semitic celebration of the carnage so disheartening, the scope and implications of the crisis so overwhelming, that some may be tempted to unfocus the mind, routinely tending to your diurnal priorities—or as Rand put it: “If you don’t look…you are free to believe what you wish—and you experience a foggy, pleasant, but somehow guilty, kind of hope.” For those living in Israel, there is no looking away from the immediate, existential threat presented by Hamas’s vicious terrorist invasion. That’s why this Thursday, we’re turning to Michael Kauffann, MD, Ph.D., on the ground in Tel Aviv with his wife and children, for his in-person, Objectivist perspective on the attacks. He will analyze the failure of Israeli intelligence and the deeper governmental dysfunction it represents, along with the ongoing Israeli defense response. Michael Kauffman has spent the last 28 years in the pharmaceutical industry and currently splits his time between Tel Aviv, Israel, Miami, and Boston. A generous supporter of our work at The Atlas Society, he gave a keynote speech at our Galt’s Gulch student conference in Nashville this summer, decrying the alliance of the Mystics & the Muscle in Israeli politics, and advancing an agenda of how Objectivist principles must set the agenda for a flourishing democracy in the Jewish state.

Work, Abundance, & When Politicians Panicked: The Atlas Society Asks John Tamny

October 11, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 173rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews returning guest John Tamny. Director of the Center for Economic Freedom at FreedomWorks and editor at RealClear Markets, Tamny returns to talk about work, abundance, economics, and his two new books "When Politicians Panicked" and "The Money Confusion: How Illiteracy About Currencies and Inflation Sets the Stage for the Crypto Revolution."

Stephen Hicks - How Foucault And Derrida Won The Transgender And Insanity Debates

October 11, 2023
Join Senior Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at Rockford, Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., for a deep dive into the philosophy of Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida and what paved the way to today's current debate insanity surrounding gender, sexuality, and transgenderism.

The Atlas Society Asks Chris Stirewalt

October 4, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 172nd episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Senior Fellow of the American Enterprise Institute Chris Stirewalt about his latest book "Broken News: Why the Media Rage Machine Divides America and How to Fight Back." Chris Stirewalt is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and contributing editor for The Dispatch, where he focuses on American politics, voting trends, public opinion, and the media. He has worked for a variety of media outlets as a political editor, including Fox News Channel and the Washington Examiner.

The Atlas Society Asks Brendan O'Neill

September 27, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 171st episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews British pundit and author Brendan O'Neill about his latest book "A Heretic's Manifesto: Essays on the Unsayable." Brendan O'Neill was the editor of Spiked magazine from 2007 to 2021, and is now its chief political writer and is also a contributor to the Daily Telegraph and a variety of other publications across Europe and America. In his battle against cancel culture and groupthink, O’Neill has published several books including "A Duty to Offend," "Anti-Woke," and his latest book "A Heretic’s Manifesto: Essays on the Unsayable."

China's Economic Trouble & the BRICS Alliance: Current Events with Salsman & Tracinski

September 20, 2023
Join Senior Scholar Richard Salsman, Ph.D., and Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for an Objectivist perspective on the damage to China’s economy since the CCP’s turn back towards central planning, along with a brief overview of the BRICS alliance and what that means for the U.S.

"Humility vs. Pride" with Kelley & Salsman

September 14, 2023
Join Atlas Society founder David Kelley, Ph.D., and Senior Scholar Richard Salsman, Ph.D., for a special 90-minute discussion exploring the definitions of humility and pride and comparing which one is better. Previous Episode

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.