Politics and Culture webinars
An Objectivist Guide to Evaluating Candidates (February 27, 2012) Every election year Objectivists and friends of freedom must decide: “For whom should I vote, if anyone?” “To whom should I contribute?” “For whom should I campaign?” Progressives: Are They for Progress? (December 19, 2011)Today the term “Progressive” is represented by the Occupy Wall Street/occupy anywhere movement and by the left wing of the Democratic Party. In this interactive webinar, William R Thomas examines the history and values of the Progressive movement. Conservatism and Elections: Untangling the Philosophy (December 12, 2011)Conservatives for decades have dominated the Republican Party. Yet American political conservatism has consisted of an uneasy and often conflicting coalition concerned with economic, social, and foreign policy. Justice in War: Foreign Policy 2 (November 17, 2011)William R Thomas discusses justice in the context of war-fighting. Should there be restrictions on weapons or tactics? Is there a workable distinction between combatants and non-combatants? Free World Order: Objectivist Foreign Policy 1 (November 9, 2011) Explore the basic structure and goals of foreign policy on Objectivist premises in this webinar. With the Iraq war winding down and NATO victorious in Libya, how should we be looking at foreign policy in the 21st century?
Mar 22, 2012