

9-11: The Ultimate Philosophy Lesson

So much has been written about the 9-11 terrorist attacks that it is difficult to add much that is new or enlightening...

Jun 8, 2011
אדוארד הדג'ינס
3 דקות
A Specter No Longer Haunts the Republican Party

Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter’s sudden change from the Republican to the Democratic Party has left Republicans with mixed feelings: rag

Jun 8, 2011
אדוארד הדג'ינס
4 דקות
Al Franken is Responsible for Not Being Responsible

Entertainment celebrities with leftist political views are hardly anything new. What is unusual, however, is for one to reveal the deep

Jun 8, 2011
אדוארד הדג'ינס
2 דקות
ספקטרום של ממשלה קטנה?

May 1, 2009—Republicans can both boo and cheer Sen. Arlen Specter’s switch to the Democratic Party. It’s a heavy blow for them to lose their

Jun 8, 2011
3 דקות
מדוע נמשכת המלחמה בסמים (מסוימים)?

26 במרץ 2009 -- המלחמה בסמים הייתה שוב בחדשות השבוע. מזכירת המדינה הילרי קלינטון יצאה למקסיקו ביום רביעי...

1 ביוני 2011
בראדלי דוקה
5 דקות
ניצחון לוויתן

October 1, 2003 -- Communism is dead; long live capitalism. Surely there is some truth to this claim, as even diehard advocates of communism

מאי 31, 2011
הרברט לונדון
4 דקות
למה אני לא יכול למכור לך את הכליה שלי?

תעצרו אותי אם שמעתם את זה: שלושה ראשי ערים וחמישה רבנים נכנסים לבר – לא, תסלחו לי, הם מאחורי סורג ובריח. בעצם, זו לא בדיחה...

מאי 31, 2011
בראדלי דוקה
4 דקות
זה בוב בר

Editor’s Note: Bob Barr’s wide-ranging career has spanned law and politics, and multiple roles, including CIA analyst (1971-1978)..

מאי 30, 2011
לאנס למברטון
10 דקות
Editor's Desk: The New Indulgences

Summer 2009 issue -- President Obama seems to have taken a page from Pastor Rick Warren’s playbook. POTUS is calling us

מאי 30, 2011
3 דקות
חשוד הוא לא פרפ

As the director of the Business Rights Center at the fiercely pro-capitalist Atlas Society, I shall not be accused, I think, of harboring

May 20, 2011
3 דקות
Security and Liberty

As the congress debates a new security bill and America faces a terrible and insidious threat, there is no more critical time to recall the

May 10, 2011
3 דקות
Medicare -- The Mammoth in the Living Room

October 2009 -- Is there an adult in the house? Are we all operating with one collective mind, or are there still those who possess reasonin

May 9, 2011
Judy Kopulos
5 דקות
Over Bin Laden's Dead Body

In Homer’s Iliad Trojan prince Hector is slain in combat by the Greek champion Achilles. But blinded by anger, Achilles desecrates Hector’s

May 9, 2011
אדוארד הדג'ינס
5 דקות
ניתוח של עורך הדין האמריקאי פרט בהרארה

On May 11, after the trial of Galleon hedge-fund founder Raj Rajaratnam (pictured below) had ended in a conviction on all counts, the U.S. A

May 6, 2011
8 דקות
Myth: Ayn Rand was Simply Pro-Wealthy and Pro-Business

Ayn Rand supported a laissez-faire capitalist economic system and defended the morality of making a profit through private business.

מאי 4, 2011
ויליאם תומאס
5 דקות
Freedom is a Crack

August 14, 2009 -- I am told that today's system of medical care in the United States lets too many people "fall through the cracks.".....

Apr 29, 2011
וולטר דונוויי
3 דקות
Free Minds and Free Militaries

March 31, 2003 -- Among the perennial themes in American political life, one of the most crucial is the contest between individualism and

Apr 29, 2011
5 דקות
The Freedom Olympics

Americans typically measure their freedom by looking backward or forward—backward to the early republic or forward to their ideal republic.

Apr 10, 2011
10 דקות
Ragnar Shrugged

Norway recently lost its wealthiest citizen. No, he didn't die. Rather, he left or, to be more accurate, was driven out of the country for..

אפר 5, 2011
אדוארד הדג'ינס
3 דקות
When Does Speech Become Treason?

Winter 2005 -- When Michael Moore’s twisted anti-Bush jeremiad, Fahrenheit 9/11, was released, many Republicans, conservatives, and

מרץ 31, 2011
Henry Mark Holzer
10 דקות

Promovemos o objetivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, realização, individualismo e liberdade.