Brown is concerned with Branden’s memoir, Judgment Day: My Years with Ayn Rand. “I am,” she submits, “primarily interested in the narrative

Brown is concerned with Branden’s memoir, Judgment Day: My Years with Ayn Rand. “I am,” she submits, “primarily interested in the narrative
Ayn Rand ruined my date last night, and here's why that's a good thing.
Objectivism has the potential for a dynamic relationship with feminism, which can ground, challenge, and ultimately sharpen each school’s
In the wake of the Republicans' 2012 disaster at the polls, the civil war between the GOP’s various factions is in full swing. And the sex..
Let’s start with your views concerning government. Most of you believe that government should not jail consenting adults for engaging, in...
March 18, 2005 -- Last week Mukhtar Mai, a Pakistani woman, expressed concern that the four men who gang raped her nearly three years ago
Ayn Rand rejected the dichotomy between mind and body and correlate dichotomies such as theory vs. practice, the moral vs. the practical, reason vs. emotion, and love versus lust.
January/February 2008 -- The town of Brattleboro, Vermont is a self-proclaimed avant-garde mecca. The busy downtown business district is rif
As I understand it, Foucault is one of the widely recognized creators of Postmodernism. He was influenced by Hegel and Nietzsche, and he
It is neither always wrong nor always right to hold off having sex until one is married. Whether it is right or wrong for you is a personal
There is no established Objectivist position on gay marriage per se. However, I think Objectivism can be seen to apply to the issues at hand
Is it against Objectivist principles to date non-Objectivists? Absolutely not...
I have not been blogging for the last month in order to devote my full time to an historically important violation of Business Rights. Now..
Objectivism holds that honesty is one of the major virtues. In the end, one gains nothing by dishonesty; it leaves one trapped in a web of f
Objectivism does not have a fixed position on consensual polygamy. Note that I mean this answer to apply to polyandry (a committed relations
Objectivists hold that parents are obliged to care for and raise their children. While Objectivism does not accept any unchosen obligations
There is not to my knowledge a well-established position on pornography in Objectivism . However, here is my attempt to give an Objectivist
When one thinks of Enlightenment literature (other than the newly emerging novel), what comes to mind are once-vibrant forms sunk to dry
When Washington Post reporter Brooke Masters set out to write this thorough account of Eliot Spitzer’s career as attorney general of New....
February 14, 2003 -- Romantic love is the predominant theme in modern American culture. It's the number-one topic of popular music. Movies