

הגאונות היצרנית של יוהאן סבסטיאן באך

מה מסמן גאון? אם זו מיזנתרופיה, אז יוהאן סבסטיאן באך (נולד ב-21 במרץ 1685) לא היה גאון. הוא עשה את עבודתו הגדולה ביותר ב

ינו 30, 2012
3 דקות
Review: The Beacon at Alexandria

December 1997 -- The Beacon at Alexandria tells the story of Charis of Ephesus, a young woman living in the late Roman Empire who determine

Jan 26, 2012
3 דקות
Greenspan: The Man Behind the Money

December 2000 -- Let me be clear from the first: Justin Martin’s biography of Alan Greenspan is a fun read. Written in a vigorous, journalis

Jan 26, 2012
6 דקות
The Philosophy of the Enlightenment

It is very difficult, if one does not read extensively in seventeenth and eighteenth century thought, to understand quite how speculative

Nov 18, 2011
Alan Charles Kors
10 דקות
Remembering the American Vision?

July 4, 2008 -- July 4, the anniversary of the birth of the United States, is a good time to remember the vision of this country. But to

יוני 10, 2011
אדוארד הדג'ינס
4 דקות
The Berlin Wall Then and Now

I first visited West Berlin in June 1981. I took the closed American military train through the 112-mile-long corridor through....

יונ 9, 2011
אדוארד הדג'ינס
5 דקות
Darwin at 200: A Liberator Like Lincoln

Understanding evolution has helped us satisfy that quintessential human longing expressed by Aristotle: “All men, by nature, desire to....

יונ 9, 2011
אדוארד הדג'ינס
5 דקות
Of Courage Undaunted

In the new year of 1803, America consisted of sixteen states. There were no prairie dogs or grizzly bears. No jackrabbits or bighorn sheep..

מאי 30, 2011
ראסל לה ואלה
6 דקות
The Enlightenment Spirit of Edward Jenner

The scourge of smallpox is ancient—Pharaoh Ramses V is thought to have died of the illness in 1157 B.C. Yet smallpox did not become a major

מאי 30, 2011
6 דקות
Heroism and the Transcontinental Railroad

When Ayn Rand created a heroic American dynasty for her novel Atlas Shrugged, she based the family's fortune not on oil, or autos, or

May 9, 2011
פרנק בריאן
8 דקות
סקירה: "הקפיצה הלוגית: אינדוקציה בפיזיקה"

אינדוקציה היא היווצרות של ידע כללי מראיות מסוימות. זה אינדוקציה אם אתה שורף את היד פעם אחת ולאחר מכן תמיד..

אפר 19, 2011
8 דקות
Book Review: The Praise Singer

Critics are of two sorts, it has been said: Those who make you want to read the work they are analyzing; and those who make you want to

מרץ 17, 2011
7 דקות
יצא משליטה: המקרה של פרסי ביש שלי

December 2007 -- The first question to ask upon starting up a vehicle should be: “Where are the brakes?” The first question to ask upon

מרץ 17, 2011
7 דקות
Book Review: A Century of "Liberal Fascism"

With America committed to war overseas, an American president (who many consider to be racist) suspends vast swatches of American liberties

מרץ 16, 2011
אדוארד ב. דריסקול הבן
7 דקות
Book Review: The Legacy of an Intellectual Giant

Ludwig von Mises and Ayn Rand share the distinction of being the leading voices for individual freedom and the market economy during the....

מרץ 15, 2011
Edward W. Younkins
9 דקות
Feminism and the Future

Winter 2010 -- Imagine a rich, new media landscape—one that extols complex heroines whose lives expand a young women's sense of the many...

פבר 8, 2011
10 דקות
ביקורת ספר: פון בראון: חולם החלל, מהנדס המלחמה

April 2008 -- If Wernher von Braun had died in 1945 at the end of World War Two, he would have been remembered as the man who led the team..

ינו 26, 2011
טיילור דיינרמן
10 דקות
אגואיזם וקפיטליזם מול אלטרואיזם וקומוניזם

To be objective means to be based on features of reality that can be observed or deduced by anyone. Scientific experiments are objective....

ינו 25, 2011
Brian Gordon
4 דקות
The American Enlightenment's Other Side

The big influences on Hamilton were the economists he read and also the philosophers of natural law and English constitutional law....

Oct 22, 2010
12 דקות
The Embattled Life of Moreau de Maupertuis

Those who love the Enlightenment spirit are sometimes tempted to believe that it engendered fraternity among the age's disciples. And to an

Oct 22, 2010
9 דקות

אנו מקדמים אובייקטיביזם פתוח: הפילוסופיה של התבונה, ההישגיות, האינדיבידואליזם והחופש.