הביתההעץ הלוקח (וידאו)חינוךאוניברסיטת אטלס
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העץ הלוקח (וידאו)

העץ הלוקח (וידאו)

1 דקות
September 14, 2011

September 13, 2011 -- What if our economy was a tree from which politicians could just take and take and take? When would they stop? Would  they stop? The Taking Tree, created by OzyMandias Media ,  parodies Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree and follows these burning questions to their logical conclusion. The Taking Tree was inspired by President Obama's recent jobs speech. Watch to see your D.C. bureaucrats in action!

Watch more OzyMandias Media videos here.

מיכאל אוזיאס
About the author:
מיכאל אוזיאס
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