Hannah Cox

Hannah Cox


Hannah Cox

Hannah Cox is a libertarian-conservative activist, commentator, and writer.

She is the co-founder and President of BASEDPolitics, a nonprofit that produces engaging and entertaining content that elevates free market capitalism and individual liberty. https://basedpolitics.substack.com/

She is also the owner of Athens Media, which partners with activists and political groups on the ground to educate and activate the masses on legislation at the state and federal level through new media and social channels with the help of an influencer network. Athens Media also offers social media and brand development trainings and workshops.

She is a frequent guest on many TV networks, including Fox News.

Hannah’s work revolves around the defense of individual liberty, free markets, and limited government.

For nearly three years, Hannah served as the Sr. National Manager of Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty where her work contributed to the repeal of capital punishment in three states. Prior to this appointment, Hannah previously worked for the Beacon Center of Tennessee where she was instrumental in both free market legislation wins and pro bono, economic liberty litigation. Her experience includes policies like school choice, occupational licensing, property rights, healthcare reform, tax policy, corporate welfare reform, criminal justice reform, and deregulation. She also formerly served as a brand ambassador for the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE).

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