רגולציה ומיסוי

רגולציה ומיסוי

NY Authorities Serve Bartender an Injustice Cocktail

According to a lawsuit filed this month , after David Kelleran bounced a check he’d sent to renew his liquor license for one of his two

Aug 23, 2012
2 דקות
תרופת 12 הצעדים של ד"ר הודג'ינס לשמרנות ממשלתית גדולה

You lost control of the Senate and House for the first time in twelve years and of governorships across the country. President George....

Aug 15, 2012
אדוארד הדג'ינס
10 דקות
FTC מחלצת קנס מגוגל כשההטרדה נמשכת

היום נציבות הסחר הפדרלית - רק אחת מסוכנויות ממשלתיות רבות כאן ובחו"ל שהטרידו את אחת מסוכנויות העולם ...

Aug 9, 2012
2 דקות
נלחמים בתביעות מדבקות כספומט

I'm beginning to think someone has gotten the wrong answer. Recently, I blogged about ATM accessibility rules: The machines must be

Jul 20, 2012
3 דקות
EEOC תובע קפה על עובד נכה

If the notion of forcing Netflix to tailor movies for the deaf and blind or making banks replace their ATMs with audio-equipped versions ...

Jun 27, 2012
2 דקות
Must Netflix Tailor Movies for the Deaf and Blind?

A deaf person and two deaf-advocacy organizations are suing Netflix for making movies available for instant online viewing without providing

Jun 26, 2012
2 דקות
ATMs, Accessibility, and Human Needs

Robert Jahoda, a blind man from Pennsylvania, is sole named plaintiff in a batch of lawsuits seeking to force banks to bring their ATMs.....

Jun 21, 2012
2 דקות
Stossel on Regime Uncertainty

The burden of unjustified laws and regulations would be hard enough for businesses to bear if they were stable, but uncertainty makes it

Jun 7, 2012
1 דקות
Lawyer Gets Record Insider-Trading Sentence

Matthew Kluger yesterday received the longest sentence yet for insider trading: twelve years . That's a year longer than Raj Rajaratnam's,..

Jun 5, 2012
2 דקות
New Yorkers Shrug

Over the past decade New York State has lost 3.4 million residents, with incomes totaling $119 billion, according to the Tax Foundation

May 31, 2012
אדוארד הדג'ינס
2 דקות
מייצבי DC נסוגים מדיכוי חנויות יד שנייה

בחנויות יד שנייה בוושינגטון הבירה היו כמה מבקרים לא רצויים בחודש שעבר: ביורוקרטים ושוטרים שאמרו להם שהם צריכים.

מאי 30, 2012
2 דקות
חילוט פוגע בעסקים

If you can blame property for crimes, you can seize the property of innocent people. That's called "forfeiture," and government uses it

May 22, 2012
2 דקות
EU Wants Google to Work Against Google

The European Commission has identified four antitrust "concerns" with Google's offerings and is demanding "voluntary" remedies if Google....

May 21, 2012
2 דקות
Rejecting Public Ownership

Business creators and investors are increasingly choosing not to take their companies public, says the Economist, and one reason is...

May 18, 2012
2 דקות
California's Choices: Austerity, Expropriation, or Liberty

California Gov. Jerry Brown announced that his state’s budget deficit will be $16 billion, up from earlier estimates of $9.2 billion, on a

May 16, 2012
אדוארד הדג'ינס
3 דקות
מנדט דיבור ביטוח בריאות

תחת ObamaCare, מבטחי בריאות חייבים במקרים מסוימים לשלוח הנחות למבוטחים. תחת תקנות חדשות, הוול סטריט ג'ורנל...

מאי 14, 2012
1 דקות
An Economic Defense of Insider Trading

One side effect of the 2008 financial crisis has been renewed attention to the ban on insider

Feb 12, 2012
Jeffrey A. Miron
4 דקות
The Morality of Insider Trading

In the decades since the SEC decided that trading in your company’s stock could be a form of “fraud” if you were guided by first-hand knowle

Dec 6, 2011
10 דקות
Greg Reyes: Justice Denied

On October 13, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals refused to throw out the fraud conviction of Greg Reyes that had emerged from the...

Oct 21, 2011
6 דקות
לקרוע את הריאות שלהם החוצה!

This one will take your breath away and, when you recover, teach you a life-saving philosophy lesson. The Obama administration’s Food and...

Sep 30, 2011
אדוארד הדג'ינס
4 דקות

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